Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Download The Wall Android latest Version

Download The Wall Android latest Version

The Wall for Android smartphones is a quiz game in which we have to face up to rounds of seven questions and a ball that will decide our final score 

App Information

App: The Wall Android

Version: Updated

Size: 21.7 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

The Wall Android

If somebody mentions The Wall, the first thing you think about is Pink Floyd's album, one of the best in the history of rock music, and that was even turned into an animation movie (just take a look at IMDb or Filmaffinity if you don't believe us). But here we're not talking about an album but a quiz game for Android that has been translated into different languages so that anyone from anywhere around the planet can have the chance to play it. Seven questions and a pinch of luck to achieve the highest score In this game, we'll face up to seven questions of general knowledge with multiple options answers. Regardless of whether we answer it right or wrong, after each question, we'll throw a ball that drops down a wall (the reason why this game has such a name) and on its way down it will come across loads of obstacles that will alter its path. This will make it fall into different baskets, each one of which will provide us with a different score. If we've answered the question correctly, the points corresponding to that basket will be added to our score, if not, they will be subtracted (although our score will never be minus zero). After this process, we can share our records and progress online to show the world how much we know... Answering correctly is not enough, we'll also need some luck. All in all, it's an entertaining quiz game in which, similarly to many other titles of the same nature, the addictive component can be found in finding out whether we're capable of answering what we're asked. So, just download the APK of this game and put your general knowledge and ego to the test.  

Answer seven questions and trust the ball to reach a great score 

Size: 21.7 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download The Wall Android here

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