Saturday, September 18, 2021

Download Power Ping Pong Android latest Version

Download Power Ping Pong Android latest Version

Get your table tennis paddle out and face up against eccentric characters that are masters of martial arts in the fun game Power Ping Pong for Android 

App Information

App: Power Ping Pong Android

Version: Updated

Size: 14.1 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Power Ping Pong Android

So maybe we don't all have space for a ping pong table at home, but that's no longer an excuse to not become a real master of this sport. Thanks to Power Ping Pong you can learn how to dominate the technique of this game from your smartphone, with a game that combines all of table tennis' spectacularity with the world of martial arts. A new way of living ping pong. With several game modes available, you have to face up against different kung fu experts, sumo fighters and even panda bears, improving your services, backhands, forehands and drop shots, with the ultimate goal of defeating your Sensei. Features of Power Ping Pong Ping pong game with a kung fu touch. Build up energy to execute incredible shots. 12 paddles and 8 rivals available in the Arcade mode. Play against your friends in multiplayer mode.  

Become the table tennis world champion 

Size: 14.1 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: PAID 

Download Power Ping Pong Android here