Monday, September 6, 2021

Download Klondike Adventures Android latest Version

Download Klondike Adventures Android latest Version

Klondike Adventures is a management game set during the Gold Rush where we have to establish ourselves in the American Frontier in the 19th century 

App Information

App: Klondike Adventures Android

Version: Updated

Size: 105 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Klondike Adventures Android

The indigenous genocide in North America, carried out mainly by Anglo-Saxons has given rise to all kinds of romantic visions that are obviously biased towards the oppressor. Klondike Adventures is one of these, where you get to be a part of the Europeanist imperialism that ravaged the area in order to destroy its inhabitants and exploit the local environment to the point of exhaustion... but with a friendly face on, of course. Conquer the American Frontier and exploit its resources Putting aside preconceptions of historical episodes like this, this is a game of management and strategy where we'll have to build a village from scratch, making sure that we have enough resources to be able to feed ourselves and expand. To do so, we'll be able to market the goods that we produce and also receive the kind help of those people whose lands we have usurped: the legitimate owners. These are some of the features on offer in a game that whitewashes the indigenous genocide of North America: A story set in the 19th century Gold Rush, one of the most ignominious chapters in American nation-building history. Help the cheesy explorers Kate and Paul learn about the mysteries of the indigenous peoples. They were far less savage and more civilized than the white man who, with a crucifix in one hand and a rifle in the other, took what was not his to take. Build factories, extract resources, and, in short, destroy the natural environment until it can provide no more. Establish your farm in the wilderness by raising domestic animals and harvesting vegetables, and then selling the indigenous peoples what was already theirs. Enjoy incredible landscapes that you can destroy because you need materials to build. Hate capitalism and religion.  

Strategy and management game set in the wilds of North America 

Size: 105 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Klondike Adventures Android here

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