Thursday, September 30, 2021

Download Grow Empire: Rome Android latest Version

Download Grow Empire: Rome Android latest Version

Grow Empire: Rome is a tower defense strategy game in which we have to defend Rome against the Barbarian invaders whilst we conquer other territories 

App Information

App: Grow Empire: Rome Android

Version: Updated

Size: 71.6 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Grow Empire: Rome Android

As a Roman leader, your target is to defend your territory and, if possible, expand its frontiers as much as possible by defeating other civilizations. That's why you need to have a powerful army with loads of soldiers, siege weapons, and Barbarian mercenaries in Grow Empire: Rome. Let Rome rule the world once again Such a small republic in the middle of the Italian land will have to defend itself against continuous attacks and for such purpose, you'll start off by leading a group of weak farmers that you'll evolve throughout different battles. All the latter, until you convert them into a powerful army of invincible warriors. We're talking about a strategy game in which our mission is to try to stop the attackers from getting through our city's gates. For such purpose, we'll fortify our walls and build defenses, without forgetting that we have to produce military units to face the invaders on the battlefield. These are the main features of this tower-defense strategy game with RPG elements: Survive over 1,500 waves of enemies. Over 120 cities to be conquered all over Ancient Europe. Over 1,000 improvements for your buildings. 35 Roman troops to be developed and unlocked Different siege weapons including war elephants. Heroes with special skills. Skills to be unlocked. Cards with upgrades.  

Defend the city of Rome 

Size: 71.6 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Grow Empire: Rome Android here