Saturday, April 17, 2021

Download Contract Killer: Sniper Android latest Version

Download Contract Killer: Sniper Android latest Version

Contract Killer: Sniper turns you into a hitman that has to fight for supremacy. Download Contract Killer: Sniper for Android, a shooter full of action 

App Information

App: Contract Killer: Sniper Android

Version: Updated

Size: 14.3 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Contract Killer: Sniper Android

Become a hitman in Contract Killer: Sniper. Travel secretly around the world to sign the best contracts and fulfil your missions. Furthermore, you can face other players to destroy their bases and reach your supremacy. You'll become the ultimate killer. In Contract Killer: Sniper you'll find over 250 missions in which you have to: Identify your targets. Infiltrate among your enemies. Behave with stealth so that nobody discovers your plans before your final attack. Shoot accurately. Download Contract Killer: Sniper free for Android and take part in the most intense first-person action.  

Wipe out your targets with a single shot 

Size: 14.3 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Contract Killer: Sniper Android here