Saturday, March 7, 2020

Download DB Navigator for iPhone

Download DB Navigator for iPhone

Download DB Navigator 18.04.04 For iPhone

DB Navigator for iPhone will allow you to purchase train tickets in Germany, check the timetables and receive notifications about delays and incidents

If you're traveling to Germany or you live there, you'll probably need to use their railway service. Then it's a great idea to download DB Navigator, the app developed by Deutsche Bahn that allows you to purchase train tickets to any destination and manage everything that has to do with your trip.

It's a very functional application that lets the user purchase tickets in real time. With the latter, you'll be able to calculate routes and combinations amongst almost any station in the country, combining the services offered by different railway companies.

DB Navigator For iPhone Details

  • Name : DB Navigator
  • Size: 70.5 MB 
  • Operating System : iPhone
  • Current Version: 18.04.04
  • License : FREE 

It offers all sorts of information such as timetables, types of trains, combinations with other transports... and with the possibility to find the cheapest tickets for the dates chosen by the user.

By the way, there's also an Android version of this application in APK format, that has been translated into perfect English just like the version for iOS.

If you're looking for the latest version of DB Navigator for iPhone, You have come to the right place. You can download DB Navigator for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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