Sunday, January 26, 2020

Download Official Kodi Remote for iPhone

Download Official Kodi Remote for iPhone

Download Official Kodi Remote 1.5.7 For iPhone

Control your Kodi media center remotely from an iPhone thanks to the official remote control of this multimedia player and manager: Official Kodi Remote

With the vast amount of movies and series that you usually watch on your computer or Smart TV via streaming, or that you download to your hard drive through uTorrent, you should have a media center installed on your PC to manage all those multimedia contents. And the best one of them (Plex is also a great alternative) is definitely Kodi, previously known as XBMC or Xbox Media Center.

If you use this software, you should get hold of a remote control to be able to manage the application from a distance. And if you've got an iPhone, you have a reason to celebrate since the developers of the application have launched an official remote control app for Kodi to make it easier for you to manage all its contents, settings, and volume without having to move from the sofa.

Official Kodi Remote For iPhone Details

  • Name : Official Kodi Remote
  • Size: 23.7 MB 
  • Operating System : iPhone
  • Current Version: 1.5.7
  • License : FREE 

With the program, that's very similar to Sybu, another remote control for XBMC, you'll be able to control all the following features of the program:

Obviously, the first thing you've got to do is download this application to your iPhone or iPad and the corresponding program to your PC or Smart TV. To synchronize both applications and configure them to work correctly, you'll have to go to the menu System > Settings > Services > Web Server and enable the checkbox Allow remote control via HTTP. Then, just open the mobile application and search for the host in question to be able to control your Kodi instance remotely.

If you're looking for the latest version of Official Kodi Remote for iPhone, You have come to the right place. You can download Official Kodi Remote for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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