Friday, March 8, 2019

Download iNaturalist Android latest Version

Download iNaturalist Android latest Version

iNaturalist will allow you to share the wildlife that you encounter online. Use iNaturalist and help create a common registry of the local fauna and flora 

App Information

App: iNaturalist Android

Version: Updated

Size: 19.3 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

iNaturalist Android

With the iNaturalist application for your smartphone with the Android operating system you will be able to put in common all the wildlife and flor that you observe with the people at, a nature loving social network. iNaturalist for Android includes functions that allow to register observations and geotag them thanks to GPS. I will also be possible to view photographs by other users taken nearby thanks to the geolocation, in case you want to move in that direction and view things for yourself. Another of the functions that will be available is the possibility to follow the updates posted by other users in, so that you don't miss anything important. Take part in In this social network you will be able to interact with other users and show your photographs, with the possibility to look up any doubts you may have as to an animal or type of plant that you can't indetify directly. What's more, all the updates can come in very handy to scientist and nature protection groups from all over the world. And, who knows, you may discover a species that nobody knew about or that was thought to be extinguished. Download iNaturalist and enjoy sharing your wildlife observations.  

Share what you see while surrounded by wildlife 

Size: 19.3 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download iNaturalist Android here