Monday, January 21, 2019

Download ZombieBooth Android latest Version

Download ZombieBooth Android latest Version

Use ZombieBooth to find out what aspect you or your friends would have as a zombie. With ZombieBooth you can animate and hear your zombified portraits growl 

App Information

App: ZombieBooth Android

Version: Updated

Size: 37 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

ZombieBooth Android

What do you think you would look like as a zombie? And your friends? Find out with ZombieBooth. With ZombieBooth you can transform whoever you want into a zombie. Make the portrait have two or three dimensions, depending on your preferences and create animations with them. Choose between several types of zombies and make them blink, breathe and frown or listen to its growls and frenetic sounds. But be careful, because it will try to trap your finger if you place it too near the screen. ZombieBooth allows you to take portraits with the camera of your Android phone and zombify them instantly. Share the photos by email and show your friends what they would look like if they were the victims of a zombie apocalypse.  

Discover what your friends would look like if they were zombies 

Size: 37 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download ZombieBooth Android here

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