Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Download Yazzy Android latest Version

Download Yazzy Android latest Version

Yazzy lets you create fake conversations and posts on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and many more to be able to prank your friends 

App Information

App: Yazzy Android

Version: Updated

Size: 14 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Yazzy Android

Do you enjoy playing jokes? Do you want to make your friends believe anything, no matter how crazy, or you feel like ruffling some feathers? Yazzy makes it easy for you. It is a simple interface that enables users to create fake conversations in many of the most prominent social networks and messaging apps that we use every day on our smartphones. Create fake conversations and posts to surprise (or upset, that is up to you) your friends. The interface lets users select the desired social network and shows possible options in each one of them: add a sent message, a received message, an image, an emoji, a hashtag, a mention... Whatever it takes to stir the pot a little in your circle of friends. Each conversation is highly customizable: you can include a customized status bar (custom Wi-Fi, battery level, carrier), navigation bar, change chat background, change avatars, status, and much more. Compatible messenger and social networks Telegram conversations with emojis and images Instagram posts Facebook Messenger conversations Facebook posts and status with comments and likes iPhone SMS with emojis support Tweets with hashtags and mentions Google searches Translator searches Ask.FM Lastly, you should know that the app adds a watermark that can be removed for free if you go to settings. On the other hand, if you want to get rid of advertising, you have to make an in-app payment.  

Create fake conversations in your favorite applications 

Size: 14 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Yazzy Android here