Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Download UACloud Android latest Version

Download UACloud Android latest Version

UACloud provides access to services for all students, teaching staff and research staff at the University of Alicante from their Android smartphone 

App Information

App: UACloud Android

Version: Updated

Size: 2 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

UACloud Android

In order to bring together in one place all of the services that the University of Alicante offers to all of its students, teachers and researchers, an app called UACloud has been developed. Users are able to gain access from one single place by identifying themselves with their user information. Access all Alicante University services on your mobile The application allows you to get all of the university online services available in one single application. So, if you are a student, for example, you just need to provide your details in order to be able to log on and get access to information like: Subjects for which you are registered. Course grades. Academic file. Inbox. Tutorials. Announcements. Online storage provided by the University of Alicante. These kind of applications for educational institutions facilitate the management of certain processes, as well as keeping you up to date with important publications and announcements, which in this case are those published and uploaded by the University of Alicante. You no longer need to go from office to office, begging for bits of paper related to you, and coming back again tomorrow because the internet is down. Now, if you study or work at the University of Alicante, it is all in one place and available to you on this Android app whenever you want to see it. UACloud certainly makes life easier for all those who study, teach or research at the University of Alicante.  

Access all of the online services offered by the University of Alicante 

Size: 2 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download UACloud Android here

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