Monday, November 5, 2018

Download CodeCheck Android latest Version

Download CodeCheck Android latest Version

CodeCheck will allow you to buy food and cosmetics in a more sustainable and healthier way by scanning bar codes to find out what they are composed of 

App Information

App: CodeCheck Android

Version: Updated

Size: 102 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

CodeCheck Android

Filling up the shopping basket doesn't mean giving up on a set of principles related to the sustainability of the plantet and individual health. CodeCheck is an application which is all about this by allowing the user, with a simple bar-code scan, to find out the composition of both food items and comestics. Find out what is in the products you buy This app gives users the opportunity to instantly know the composition of hundreds of foods and cosmetics. This way you can know the nutritional value of the food and also whether the product's components are environmentally friendly and decide whether to buy it or not based on this information. As well as providing this information, the app will also offer alternatives to the product you are considering. The information is provided by a range of independent organizations which have rated the products. But the app's functions don't end there: it also offers news and advice on food and personal care, all intented to guide us towards healthier and more conscious consumption. It also allows products to be added to the data base if they are not already there. The application is free to use but also allows users to sign up as paying users to get rid of ads.  

Find out what is in the cosmestics and food you buy 

Size: 102 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download CodeCheck Android here

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